Blogging for Business


In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, establishing a robust online presence is not just an option but a necessity. One potent tool that creative entrepreneurs can wield to leave a lasting digital footprint is blogging for business. In this article, we’ll delve into the evergreen power of blogging, exploring the foundational aspects, the art of consistency, and how this practice can elevate a business in the eyes of its audience.

Blogging for business

The Basics of Blogging for Business

Setting up a blog might seem like a straightforward task, but the devil is in the details. Choosing a niche that resonates with your business and selecting the right platform are crucial initial steps. A well-defined blog sets the stage for what follows.

Consistency is Key

The heartbeat of a successful business blog is a consistent posting schedule. Readers appreciate reliability, and search engines reward it. Learn how to balance quality and quantity, ensuring a steady flow of engaging content.

To develop a regular habit of writing blogs for your business, first, you must develop a plan. Map out all of your blog topics for the month. If you need help with a system for this, read my handy post on the failsafe planning system for blogging for business.

Once you have a plan, block out time in your week to write the blog. You could write all of your blogs at once over the course of a day, or write one blog per week, depending on your schedule and how you like to work.

Building Credibility through Blogging

A blog is not just a collection of posts; it's a showcase of expertise. When you consistently deliver valuable content to your ideal customer, you build trust and credibility, positioning your business as a go-to resource in your industry.

Blogs are often the first place a potential customer will go, when they are researching your niche. If they are at the top of the funnel, or early in their buying journey, they may not yet be clear on the problem they have, or what they need.

Your blog content should help them to find clarity, and by being helpful you will be regarded as a trusted advisor.

There is no guarantee that your readers will become buyers, but if you are constantly coming up as solutions to their problems, there is a higher probability that they will choose your brand over one that doesn’t blog or provide useful, entertaining or helpful advice.

SEO Strategies for Business Blogging

Keywords are the compass that guides online content. Understanding how to conduct effective keyword research and seamlessly integrate these keywords into your blog posts is key.

A powerful blog is only as good as its keywords. A keyword is simply a word, or a small collection of words, on a certain topic, that your business or brand specialises in, that your ideal audience is typing into Google to find valuable content for. For example, if you are a physiotherapist, your keywords could be: physiotherapy (insert your location), physiotherapy for football players, physiotherapy for people over fifty, etc.

Start a list of every keyword combination you can think of for your business, and then write down as many blog topics as you can around those keywords.

Engaging Your Audience at each stage of the buyer journey

Blogging is a conversation, not a monologue. To encourage audience engagement, make sure you are talking to people at every stage of the buyer journey.

Someone who is at the start of their buyer journey would simply be looking for clarity around what their problem is. Someone at the middle of their buyer journey may be ready to explore solutions and options to solve their problem. And someone at the end of their buyer journey may be ready to make a decision on who to purchase from. See below for an infographic showing the different kinds of blogs to write for each stage:

Measuring Success with Analytics

Numbers don't lie. By connecting Google Analytics to your blog, you will be able to see what content is getting the clicks, so you can write more of it.
Your blog analytics will also give you a good guide on what to share on socials, invest in advertising for and explore new products.

Monetizing Your Blog

While passion fuels a blog, revenue sustains it. So far we have talked about how each blog should contain your keywords but what about how to monetise your blog to drive sales further?

Another way to boost your SEO and Google ranking, is to include internal links from your blog to other pages on your website. Whether that be to a product page, the offer of a freebie, a call to action to sign up to your newsletter or a link to another blog article. Internal links are powerful way to keep people on your website for longer, and Google will rank you higher if you add them.

A good rule of thumb, is to end every blog with a call to action, whether that be to check out your work, or make an appointment.

Overcoming Challenges in Blogging

Writer's block is an occupational hazard, but there are ways to overcome it. If you are passionate about what you do, then you are going to know a lot about it.
It’s just about translating that knowledge into blog articles. If you can brainstorm every topic on your niche that you are interested in, and then map that list into a planner like this one, you will never get writer’s block again!

Writing about what you’re good at is easy when you have a structure. People often don’t read every word, but rather skim, so keep sentences short and concise, and paragraphs no longer than three sentences. Break up your blog with sub-headings, dot-points, images and infographics.

Here is a good a good guide, to save, pin or share:

How to structure the Perfect Blog Post.

Case Studies: Successful Business Blogs

Drawing inspiration from real-life success stories using case studies provides tangible, social proof that what you do is marketable and transformative.

A good case study structure for business could be:

  1. Client Brief or Problem

  2. Solution/Strategy/Product

  3. Results

This could be a visual case study if you are an artist, using lots of imagery and video. Make sure that you include data and facts such as how many sales resulted, how many awards, and how many enquiries. Really talk up the success of the case study and why it is a signature moment for you and our business.

Common Misconceptions about Blogging for Business

There are lots of articles out there telling you to blog seven days per week, but the truth is this is really only for highly competitive categories or what Google calls YMYL topics. YMYL stands for Your Money Or Your Life and it relates to articles providing ‘life or death’ advice. Examples include:

  • Finance

  • News and current events,

  • Civics, government, and law

  • Shopping

  • Health and safety

  • Groups of people

  • Other: Pages that deal broadly with “your money or your life,” such as pages about fitness and nutrition, housing, finding a job, etc.

These niches are watched closely by Google, are highly regulated and tend to be harder to rank in general. If you are a creative entrepreneur writing about your niche, writing 1-2 blogs per week, on your keywords is plenty to get started.

Networking Opportunities through Blogging

Blogging opens doors to a network of like-minded individuals and businesses. Your content can really put you on the map, and help you to get found, seen and recognised by people in your industry, businesses seeking collaborations or partnerships, and clients searching for something like what you have to offer.

Every time you think about doing your weekly blog, remind yourself that this might be the week that a huge opportunity could knock on your door!

But I can't write!

If the thought of writing intimidates you, fear not! Utilize the power of technology by transforming your ideas into engaging content with the help of Chat GPT through AIPRM. Simply input your bullet points, and let the AI generate the written content for you, making the process smooth and efficient.

I don't have time to write 4 x articles a month!

Time constraints are real, especially for busy entrepreneurs. Consider outsourcing the task to a professional writer who can craft high-quality, tailored content for your blog. Investing in a skilled writer frees up your time to focus on other aspects of your business while ensuring a consistent and compelling online presence.

Feeling stuck on what to write?

Our free blog and content planner template can be your guiding light. Identify keywords related to your products, and create dedicated pages for each. For instance, if your keyword is "Kids Rompers," explore topics like "Why Kids Rompers are the best and only way to dress a newborn." This structured approach ensures a steady stream of relevant and engaging content.

Think about it this way. Would you rather spend thousands on Google Ads, and get leads that then stop the minute you turn the ads off, or spend maybe a day writing your blogs for the month, and getting website traffic for years to come?

Consider the long-term benefits of blogging versus the short-term impact of paid advertising. While ads may bring immediate leads, they cease when the budget runs out. In contrast, spending a day each month on blogging can yield website traffic for years, creating a sustainable and enduring online presence.


In conclusion, the evergreen power of blogging for business lies in its ability to establish a lasting digital presence. Creative entrepreneurs, armed with a consistent and strategic approach, can use blogging as a dynamic tool to propel their businesses to new heights.

Takeaways from this Blog:

  1. Blog consistently to build your business, and expect results in a minimum of 3-6 months.

  2. Use a blog planner template to map out your topics for each week

  3. List out all of your keywords for your business, create a blog for each keyword.

  4. Use a blog structure, and keep your paragraphs to three sentences max, using simple, informal language.

  5. Break up your blog with infographics, sub-headers and internal links.

  6. End your blog with a clear call to action.


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