What Is a Brand Identity?

A brand identity is not just a logo. It is an embodiment of who, what and why your business exists and, on a subliminal level, it should attract your ideal customer and suggest something unique and different and meaningful to them, from the competition.

In tangible terms, it is made up the following elements:

Logo: A unique symbol, mark, or design that visually represents the brand. The logo is often the most recognizable element of a brand identity.

  1. Typography: The specific fonts and typefaces used in the brand's marketing materials, which contribute to the brand's visual style and personality.

  2. Color Palette: A set of colors chosen to represent the brand. These colors are consistently used in various brand materials to create a cohesive and recognizable look.

  3. Visual Elements: Other design elements, such as icons, graphics, or patterns, that are associated with the brand and used to enhance its visual identity.

  4. Tagline or Slogan: A concise and memorable phrase that communicates the brand's essence, values, or promise.

  5. Voice and Tone: The style and manner in which the brand communicates through written and verbal messaging. This includes the brand's language, tone of voice, and communication style.

  6. Imagery: The types of images, photographs, or illustrations that are used to represent the brand. These should align with the brand's values and messaging.

  7. Brand Guidelines: A set of rules and guidelines that ensure consistency in the use of all these elements across various platforms and materials. Brand guidelines help maintain a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.

The goal of a strong brand identity is to create a memorable and consistent impression on your customers, foster brand recognition, build trust, and convey the brand's unique qualities and values.

It plays a crucial role in marketing and differentiating a brand to its competitors.

To get to the point where you can create a brand identity, a strategic branding process should be followed. This involves, going through what is called a brand strategy process, which is a series of brainstorming, and workshopping intentionally about your business, your customers and the promises you can make to them.

This process will help you to distill down your brand blueprint, and brand canvas, to be used to create your brand identity. Whether you would like to design your own brand identity, or write your website copy, the Brand Blueprint will be your north star to create a consistent and powerful brand.

If you would like to create your own brand identity, check out our Brand Blueprint Template available in the Marketing Shop, which includes guided workshops on how to populate it. This is an A-Z, industry-standard Brand Blueprint template that you can use for yourself, your clients and resell for 100% of the profits.


What Is A Brand Archetype?